Feed Mill
Feed Mill Products
Feed Mill Handling
Properties of Molasses
Molasses has a unique set of properties that make it suitable for a wide range of applications.
The principle sugars found in molasses are sucrose, glucose and fructose.
Brix scale is frequently used as a measure of either dry matter or sugar content
Brix testing is a quick and easy method for providing an indication of dry matter content
Refractometer brix is method based upon measuring a liquid’s refractive index
Hydrometer brix is a method based on the specific gravity of a sucrose solution
Principle sugars found in molasses are sucrose, glucose and fructose
Predominant component of molasses is sucrose
Most common analytical method for sugars in molasses is Lane & Eynon
Levels of sugars in molasses will vary by origin and can be a reflection of how efficiently the raw sugar has been processed
pH of Cane molasses is typically 4.8 – 5.5
pH of Beet molasses is typically 7 or higher
When diluted Cane molasses can become corrosive through fermenting and producing acids
Molasses is a viscous liquid
Unlike a low viscosity fluid like water, molasses exhibits a laminar flow pattern
The viscosity of molasses varies by origin dependant on the type of organic matter present
Viscosity can be controlled by dry matter and temperature