Feed Mill Molasses
Molasses is used extensively as a feed ingredient in the manufacture of compound feeds (pellets, meal and chaff) and ineral blocks, due to its excellent pellet binding qualities,palatability and high energy value characteristics
Molasses is used extensively as a feed ingredient in the manufacture of compound feeds (pellets, meal and chaff) and ineral blocks, due to its excellent pellet binding qualities,palatability and high energy value characteristics
Molasses also has wide spread use on farms as a complementary feed material, due to its excellent palatability and nutritional characteristics, helping improve intakes and reduce ration sorting, which supports more efficient milk and meat production. This by-product of the sugar industry provides an easily digestible source of energy and nutrition for a wide variety of livestock.
Molasses is used as a microbiological energy source in a wide range of fermentation processes. It is used to grow yeasts, moulds and bacteria which transform sugars into alcohol, yeast, citric acid and the food additives monosodium glutamate and lysine. Molasses is easy to incorporate into fermentation processes and represents a stable and predictable substrate to store and handle.
Molasses is used in a number of industrial applications where both its binding and beneficial biological properties have been effectively and innovatively utilised. Due to its unique characteristics it works effectively as a binding agent.